
Volha Dashuk - ‘Stanislav Suskevich. The first person’, 15 min. (development)

Volha Dashuk – is a director of documentaries. Graduated from the Belarusian Academy of Fine Arts, Theatre Department with a specialty: director. In 1995-2011 she worked in the Film Studio ‘Belarusfilm’ as a director. In 1999–2006 she was a lecturer of the Belarusian College, where she had classes on the history of American media, and also the history and theory of film. She worked as a journalist in the newspapers: 'Narodna Vola’, ‘Name’ and the British magazine 'Dazed and confused’, and also as a film critic in the magazine ‘Art’. She is the author of: ’Leanid Levin. War and love’, ’11 coins’ and ‘3 kilometers to heaven’. Her films were presented on many international festivals: on The International Film Festival in Rotterdam, The International Film Festival in Thessaloniki, The International Film Festival in Kiszyniów,  The International Film Festival in Saratov and The Polish Academy of Document in Kiev. She is a member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.


Леонид Левин. Война и любовь»/ ”Leanid Levin.The war and love”, 2006

«11 монеток»/ “11 coins”, 2007

«Минуты жизни»/ “Minutes of life”, 2008

«Край Беловежский»/ “Belavezha Land”, 2009

«Ночь коротка» / “The night is short” 2009

«Мастер»/ “Master” 2010

«3 км до неба» / “3 km to the sky”, 2010

«Непомилованный»/ “Unpardoned, 2011

«Варваровская свечка» / “St.Barbara’s candle”, 2011

«Дом Сабилы» / “Sabila’s home”, 2012

«Кинолюбитель. Осенний сон» / “Amateur Filmmaker”, 2013

«Стародавние танцы»/ “Old-time dances” 2013

«Не один»/ “Not alone”, 2014